Organika approached Wiikan to design a custom and engaging structure for a trade show that would have a lifespan of five years. The company presented Wiikan with a lengthy list of requirements that were to be met within a strict budget. Storage space, eye level product display, zero dependency on hanging materials for visibility, and three different sized spaces were all challenges within which Wiikan needed to work.
Wiikan’s design not only met all requirements and stayed within budget, it won first place as the Best-In-Show for design among 600 booths at the CHFA EAST in Toronto. Three days before a show in which Organika would be attending, an accidental fire damaged the Organika booth and Wiikan had only 72 hours to deliver a new both to meet the client’s vision, brand, and expectations so the show wouldn’t be missed. The new design was built from ready-made cabinetry graphics and serves as a testament to Wiikan’s standards, as it has been serving the client for 24 months.
WiiKan is a commercial display design agency located in Vancouver, Canada. We design and produce trade show booths, showrooms, retail spaces, large format graphics and more.